
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesdays with Matt - Being Present

Today's tip from Matt hits close to home.  I struggle with this constantly: being present.  I get so distracted by what's coming next or what I have to do tomorrow that I often forget to enjoy and savor today.

That's one of the reasons that I LOVE Fat Mum Slim's Photo-a-Day Challenge - it helps me to STOP every day at least for a moment and think about my surroundings and just everyday stuff.
It's easy to remember to photograph a child's birthday party or a special occasion, but taking pictures of everyday things like the grass outside or something you wore today is not usually what we think of when we photograph.  Capturing everyday moments and subjects is such a fun, creative outlet for me.  And it helps me to be present.

Check out Matt's video for his suggestions on how to live in the now:

Thanks for stopping by - have a wonderful day!

Disclosure –  All opinions stated in this post are entirely my own opinion.  See my full disclosure statement here.

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