
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Month in Photos: April 2012

So long, April 2012.  Boy, I am somewhat shocked that April's over already.  I mean, I look at the calendar every day and I know that we haven't skipped any days, but it doesn't seem like another 30 whole days have come and gone!

I took all of April's Photo-a-Day Challenge pictures with my iPhone.  I was skeptical at first of the capabilities of the iPhone camera, but, since I dropped my Nikon on the floor while it was attached to the tripod and the lenses were zoomed out and it got all bent, I decided to give the iPhone camera an honest try.  I might have trouble going back to a regular camera for this daily challenge!  Using the iPhone camera was so convenient and I'm perfectly happy with the quality of the photos!

April 2012
{a month in photos}

If you're interested in knowing a bit more about some of the photos, you can see them all on Hello, New Day's Facebook page.  As I post them, I usually give a bit of info about what you're seeing.

And, if you'd like to join in on the Photo-a-Day Challenge, head on over to Chantelle's blog, Fat Mum Slim, and check out the prompts for May!



  1. Stunning pictures. you have done a commendable job for the April challenge. Looking forward to sharing of pictures for May.

    1. Catherine, I am sorry I made an error in description of my pictures. It was Golden Temple, Amritsar but the description that followed it did not convey it properly. My apologies.

  2. My reactions went like this:
    #1 - Hey, that was creative!
    #2 - I LOVE the spring colors!
    #3 - Ooh I love love love getting mail.
    #5 - Is that a necklace? That camera trinket it CUTE! And dainty, i like dainty.
    #9 - OMG! You were such a sweet little baby! You look like the kinda baby that didnt give anyone any trouble.
    #13 - So cute! I love b&w
    #16 - Could be a postcard.
    #17 - reminds me of yesterday when i was writing in the dust in my best friends entertainment center hahaha.
    #22 - Ooooh pretty!
    #24 - Your kids are SOOOO cute! And happy =]
    #26&29 - Very creative!
    #30 - I remember reading that post and it was sooo sweet.

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! :)
      Yep, it is a necklace!, and you're right, I never caused trouble as a child ;)
      Thanks again for your kind comments!

  3. Beautiful photos and I love the way you creatively capture the challenges. Very fun!

  4. Love all your photos! so glad we can play draw something too! Yeah!

    1. Thanks, Miranda! I know - I love Draw Something! Thanks for playing it with me!

  5. Great photos! Love the camera necklace. Soooo cute!

    1. Thanks, Boni! (The necklace is by Fossil and I found it at Macy's) Thanks so much for stopping by and for commenting! :)

  6. Great photos! (over here from House of Smiths!) Did you buy that color in the Allora necklace? I've looked at those for years now and should probably just BUY one already! :)


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