
Monday, February 13, 2012

Beaucoup Blue

     There's a whole lotta blue going on today!  I wasn't really sure what I would do for today's photo prompt - "blue".  I couldn't think of one particular blue object that I wanted to photograph.  I've been wanting to include a collage in my February Photo-a-Day Challenge, so I went through the house on a little search of blue items that struck my fancy.
     The result: a collage of Beaucoup (adj. \ˈbō-(ˌ)kü, slang: great in quantity or amount: MANY, MUCH) Blue things:

Glass-blown flower made by Emma (2007) | Blue bird | Skylander figurine | Fan | Disney's Sully | Tequila | Ceramic cat | Globe | Order of the Phoenix | Bath & Body Works mist | Water/oil toy | Hippo sculpted by Ethan (2012) |Turquoise necklace  | Birdhouse



  1. Based on your items in your collage, you seem to have a nice house!! Cute pics!

  2. I am going to be your newest follower. Your pics are so nicely done. far far far better than mine. I am waiting for what you click for the next prompt ... mine was a sure disaster...
    here decide for yourself
    Warmest regards,


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